Conservation & Education
Conservation through innovation. Awareness through experience.
Ocean conservation is Biota’s #1 priority.
We believe that innovation and education are the best ways to protect and restore our marine environment. Aquaculture is essential for the future.

We must plant the sea and herd its animals using the sea as farmers instead of hunters. That is what civilization is all about – farming replacing hunting.

Our ocean is under threat
It’s no secret that the ocean is under increasing pressure from climate change, industrial fishing, pollution and other threats.
In the Pacific alone, several areas of reef have completely disappeared, taking with them a wide range of species, from corals, sponges and clams to turtles, rays and fish.
The status quo cannot continue. At Biota, we are doing everything we can to develop more sustainable aquaculture solutions. It’s our way of helping to safeguard the future of our marine environment.

Aquariums are the windows to our oceans
Our belief is that Aquariums play a very important role in Ocean Conservation. Our vision is to see an Aquarium in every science classroom in the world!

We are convinced that by bringing the awe and beauty of our Oceans into people’s lives we create passion for its protection.
Many people in our research and conservation partners institutions and fellow aquaculture community choose to dedicate their lives to ocean conservation and research due to a connection to the oceans firstly planted in their minds as kids being fascinated about the beauty of a vibrant Reef Aquarium.
Only if these Aquariums are fully sustainably stocked with cultured fish, coral, clams can we achieve this goal as we do not want to take from our oceans.
Every second breath we take comes from the ocean

How Biota gives back to the ocean

Sustainable marine life
All Biota marine life is cultured in captivity so we can leave wild fish where they belong – in the ocean.

Restocking Reefs
We regularly release valuable food fish into the ocean, helping to restock wild populations.

Food Security
Biota is working on sustainably culturing various unique species with high value for humans as a food source.
With our unique techniques we have proven results to be able to do so.

Vulnerable Communities
We can culture species for food supply and at the same time grow these in communities whose lives depend on the Oceans bringing them a source of sustainable long term income.
“This is the most cost effective and conservation effective approach that I can think of.”
– Dr John Howard Choat

At Biota we are actively working on developing several educational campaigns in Palau. In the past years we have opened our doors to local elementary schools to teach the young about aquaculture and conservation. Our goal is to extend the invitation to high schools across the country and inspire students of all levels to grow into adults that will take care of their ocean.
Universities have visited us through individuals interested in the conservation projects we are carrying, as well as groups of Marine Biology students who have seen the real-life application of their field in the private sector. We have received overseas students and recent graduates, who have stayed and learned with us the practical aspects of Aquaculture over short periods of time.
As part of our education efforts, we also keep our facility open to the general public –both residents and visitors, who can see our work first hand and understand the positive impact that sustainable aquaculture can have in the near future of the ocean.

Aquarium Fish
By breeding species of fish and invertebrates for the aquarium trade, we significantly reduce pressure on the reefs. Our animals are cultured in aquariums for aquariums, and every species we introduce to the market is less pressure on reef systems.

Restocking Reefs
Biota is also working on aquaculture for ocean restocking and food security purposes. One species we are routinely culturing in high numbers is Rabbitfish (Siganus fuscecens and Siganus lineatus). Rabbitfish is a popular catch in Palau, enjoyed for its flavor and ideal size – one fish will make one meal for an adult. While Rabbitfish are still found in Palau’s waters, the population has steadily declined in recent years.
Biota cultures Rabbitfish in captivity, later releasing them into the local waterways once they’ve grown to a suitable size. This is part of our “giving back to the ocean” philosophy and helps to restore wild populations. To date, Biota has released 100,000+ Rabbitfish to the waters of Airai State, Palau. These are not just eggs or fry, these are fish that have been raised for several months through the most vulnerable part of their lives. This means they have a high chance of making it to adulthood.

Restocking the Pacific
Biota has recently joined up with several key departments to take on a challenging but important project. We will raise Bumphead Parrotfish from wild spawning aggregations in the Republic of Palau.
We grow these animals to fingerling size in our hatchery facilities in Palau and then partner with various partners for further grow out.
This will give them the best chance at growing naturally into harems that might one day repopulate the reef and be produced in large quantities as a valuable food source.
The Biota Aquarium is a powerful tool for creating ocean awareness and raising the next generation of ocean stewards.

French scientist, naval officer and filmmaker Jacques Yves Cousteau was a pioneer of marine conservation. Cousteau invented modern diving with the Aqua-Lung, a breathing device for scuba diving. His work was the launchpad for the human race to begin in-depth underwater research, and start to understand the marine environment.
Cousteau identified the key to saving his beloved ocean early on – that he needed to inspire people to learn about and love the marine environment if they were going to protect it for future generations.
Cousteau’s philosophy and love of the ocean is shared by Biota. Conservation and sustainability are at the heart of our organization.
The Biota Aquarium is a powerful tool for sharing the wonder of the ocean with the world, to evoke a sense of awe, and to guide people towards a love for our marine environment so that they feel a responsibility to protect it.

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